
Uncharted 2

Just managed to complete Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.  It’s been a while since I’ve been so engaged in a video game, but this one was amazing!

Pros: Great action, characters and storyline.  The ending was challenging as well!

Cons: Game follows a certain path, I’m more used to open games (GTA style).

Score: 4.5/5

Definitely pick this game up if you have a PS3.  Myself, I’m trading it in and picking up Modern Warfare 2 today!


Dylan Hansenps3, games, uncharted

What a beauty Rypien is!  I also like how coach AV has to hide his smile every time Rypien scraps.

Dylan Hansencanucks, hockeyfight
Awesome haul this Christmas.  Note the many Apple goodies, and basically anything that’s hockey related.

Awesome haul this Christmas.  Note the many Apple goodies, and basically anything that’s hockey related.

Dylan Hansenxmas