
Wellness Tips During a Global Pandemic

And here I thought 2019 was full of challenges!

Welcome to 2020: a global pandemic has taken over the globe (and ugh, it begins right around a devastating San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl loss) . I’m forever grateful that I’ve been able to maintain work and keep very busy during these tough times, however I know many others have lost their jobs and are struggling to stay afloat at this time.

A common thread for all of us is managing to maintain our health and wellbeing as many of us are sheltering in home. I wanted to share a few tips & tricks that I’ve applied to my personal and professional life and keep a level of sanity as we navigated uncharted territory.

  1. Practice Gratitude - Even in the darkest of times, it’s important to take a step back and think of one thing you are grateful for. It can be as simple as waking up with a cup of tea to the small break you get throughout a busy day. Try journaling things you’re grateful for daily. I’d recommend the Gratitude Happiness Journal app for iOS.

  2. Listen & Learn - I haven’t had a boatload of free time appear on my calendar, but I have aimed to try to find 15-30 minutes each day to learn something new. I’ve started listening to more podcasts and reading when I can. I’ve picked up later chapters in one of my favourite books: The Manager’s Path by Camille Fournier, and I’ve really enjoyed Marcus Blankenship’s Programming Leadership podcast!

  3. Exercise - Not as easy for some, but having a home gym has been a life-saver during a pandemic. Personal trainers are also moving to virtual classes over video conferencing. I’ve been doing a 30 min session every Monday to start my week. If you’re local to Metro Vancouver I’d recommend the good folks at LIFT Fitness who have a number of virtual options available.

  4. Meditate - … and do it every day! I’ve recently switched to morning meditations, spending anywhere from 3-10 minutes each morning before I look at my work email or start my exercise routine. I’m 26 days into my meditation streak and I can tell it’s helping my mental health! Be sure to check out the Headspace app for guided meditations and other tools to manage your mental health.

  5. Reflect - Regardless if you’re running a mile-a-minute or living life at a slower pace these days, reflecting each day helps ground us all and gives us perspective. I’ve been ending my work days by asking myself these questions: What did you learn today? How did you utilize your strengths? What do you want to do differently tomorrow? These questions have opened up my mind to what is really important during these tough times.

Hopefully these tips will help you as you navigate through the remainder of this year. Stay safe out there!

Dylan Hansen