
Catching Up


It’s been a while since my last update (almost 3 months, yikes!).  But I’ve been pretty damn busy in those past three months.  Here’s a quick run-down of everything that’s happened since my last update.

Sydney Trip

I was lucky enough to head down-under for about 3 weeks to visit the Atlassian office in Sydney.  This was my first time in Australia so I was super stoked to go!  

While I was pretty busy with work most of the time, I did get some time to meet up with some Canadian friends, drink a lot of beer, do some sightseeing and enjoy the city.  Sydney is a beautiful place and although it can be expensive, I'd definitely like to be back there again sometime in the future.  The only thing I could complain about would be the weather!  I’ve got a bunch more photos available on my Flickr site.

SF Giants Win the World Series!

While I was away I unfortunately miss an awesome party in San Francisco.  The Giants won the world series!

I had really enjoyed following the Giants while they made their run (I was able to catch up on all the games during my Sydney trip).  However I was pretty bummed that I missed the homecoming parade that happened a few days following their win.

Congratulations to the SF Giants on their win!


We celebrated our first Thanksgiving Holiday in the US this year.  Actually, we’re guilty of celebrating two Thanksgivings this year as we decided to celebrate the Canadian holiday as well (in October).  However, it’s apparent that Americans take their Thanksgiving holiday much more seriously.  It’s the start of the holiday shopping season (Black Friday) and I found the food to be a tad more gluttonous.  Take for example, my first experience of Turducken:

This beast is a full turkey, stuffed with a chicken, stuffed with a duck, stuffed with sausage.  Needless to say, I was stuffed after this meal!  My first Thanksgiving dinner in the US was a success!


Needless to say, I’ve been able to take in many shows since my last update.  Here’s a quick rundown of the concerts I’ve been to recently:

  • Pepper @ The Warfield - Second time seeing these guys (last time was at Warped Tour many years ago).  Great show with lots of energy!
  • Bad Religion @ The Regency Ballroom - First time seeing Bad Religion outside of Warped.  For 30 year veterans these guys can still rock.  One of the best punk shows I’ve been to.
  • Weezer @ The Nob Hill Masonic Center - Weezer played the Blue Album in its entirety on this night.  Brought back many memories of listening the album in elementary school!
  • Weezer @ The Nob Hill Masonic Center - Night #2 featured Pinkerton, which is probably my favorite Weezer album.  It was classic.
  • Wu-Tang Clan @ Mezzanine - The entire crew (minus RZA) was in the house for their first show of their latest tour.

And some photos from a few of the shows:

What’s Next?

With the holiday approaching, I’m gearing up to list my Top 10 Albums of 2010.  Be sure to stay tuned as I run down my favorite albums of the year!


Dylan Hansen